Monday, June 05, 2006

Favorite 90's music

Just as an off the wall topic I was thinking of my music tastes, which start with mostly things from the 60's and 70's...then moving on to some hair bands of the 80's, then culminating with the grunge movement of the 90's, and basically nothing after that.

So without further ado, my top bands of the 90's.

Pearl Jam - By far my #1 choice. Their first album "Ten", is the only album I can think of where I like EVERY song. More on them in a future post.

Nirvana - One of the most influential bands of the 90's. They were just starting to come into their own when Kurt Kobain died. I'm quite a fan of Dave Grohl's band, Foo Fighters, who was Nirvana's drummer,

Alice and Chains - Too bad Lane Staley decided to kill himself. This band had some great dark tunes, as well as a few heavy ones.

Soundgarden - I pretty much like anything with Chris Cornell, which explains why I like Audioslave now as well. Obviously I also enjoyed the music of "Temple of the Dog", the Soundgarden and Pearl Jam collaboration.

Stone Temple Pilots - Not sure why I liked them as much as I did in college. Catchy tunes still to this day though.

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