Thursday, April 13, 2006

General annoyances

I've been kicking around starting a bitching blog, about certain things that just annoy the piss out of me. This list will constantly be added to as more things come to my mind. After a month or two, I should have a pretty good list, and realize that I probably shouldn't socialize with people.

  • Traffic lights that are out - 4 way stop signs aren't that complicated, and people handle them with ease every day in residential neigborhoods. So what is it about the 4-way stop being on a main road that causes all hell to break loose
  • Construction - I realize that living in Michigan makes it a living hell every Summer, but is every project an 8 month long fiasco? The construction is made worse by the assholes that ride in the left lane all the way down to where it narrows. This is a civilized society, chances are you are less important than me so wait your god-damned turn. They should make a Budweiser Real Men of Genius commercial for the guy that plays sheriff with his large truck/SUV and blocks the 2 lanes of traffic to stop these dildo's from cutting in line.
  • Customer Service - Customer service in retail outlets continue to go downhill as people get more and more lazy. I am a very easy person to speak to in a store, generally when I go there, I know what I want, how I want it, what I'm going to pay, essence I do my homework before I get there. All that I require is a brief acknowledgement of me being in the store, and perhaps the associate pointing me in the right direction. What I don't need is you sitting on your fat ass behind the counter, chatting away with your co-workers pretending I'm not even there.
  • People who park 2/3 or more shaded to one side of the line, forcing me to either match their parking job, or risk having all of the paint removed from either my driver or passenger side door. Is parking really that difficult that you can't park straight???? Trust me, you aren't that important that you can't take an extra 30 seconds and straighten your shit out.
  • People who "must" back their cars into their parking spot. This usually happens at work, and invariably, they are the ones who can't park straight in the first place.
  • Restaurants that insist on having their employees sing some stupid Happy Birthday song to a middle aged person. You can tell the dishwasher in the back who is just mouthing the words doesn't want to be there. You can also tell that the annoyingly perky waitress in the front loves this part of her job as well. (This annoyance is not as valid when dealing with a child's birthday.


Ben Kroll said...

Maybe if it didn't take 5 Michigan road workers to supervise the one guy actually doing work, and they didn't spend 2 hours (out of an 8 hour day with a 1 hour lunch) setting up an taking down barrels every day, things wouldn't take all ficken summer.

steeser said...
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Victoria said...

You should add the Michigan has to work on all the roads at the same time so you can't go anywhere without getting some sort of headache. Finish one project before you start the others is always a good idea. Apparently the department of transportation didn't get that memo!