Friday, April 08, 2005

The plan

Ok, I've decided on the parameters of the challenge. I'm giving myself 26 days, which is the amount of time I have until I leave for the Kentucky Derby to make enough money to play in one of the events. I'm using a par of making $400/week playing poker (I'm well above this for the year, but this is a good par). Over these 26 days, I need to make $2000 over par to justify playing in one of the events.

Using the 200+15 Party Poker SNG's, and using a base earn of 15% per SNG, I will need to play 109 SNG's. (my lifetime earn in these is 18.8%, and this year I am at 24%) Assuming 6 days where I play none, I will have to average 5.5 SNG's per day. I will target to play at least 6 SNG's per day when I play. There will be days where I play far more than this, especially if I am running good, but mainly provided I feel that I am playing a good game, I will continue playing.

This seems very attainable. Although I know that variance could rear it's ugly head and I might fall short or even lose money in this stretch, it's worth the shot.

If I reach the goal of this challenge with time to spare, yet still feel like playing, I plan on continuing, as it makes no sense to jeopardize future profits for the sake of hitting a goal.

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